Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Groovy Octopus

Drawing instead of paying attention in class pays off again... Took a drawing I did (and wanted to edit since I finished) and added color, some shading, and a matching background. 

Rome SDS Pamphlet

I had to make a pamphlet so I decided why not make it for the best snowboard brand ever. Rome.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gorillaz (Pamphlet)

This is a pamphlet I made about the gorillaz. All the squares and such around the text were not in my original final draft so ignore them... (Text from Wikipedia)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Big Bear Mountain (Poster)

Snowboarding at Big Bear... I wish. Changed up the original logo, edited a photo of one of the mountains, and added some of my own flare such "ride the bear," the bear with the bandana, and the snowboarding bear. Can you find him? 

Guitar Magazine (Kurt Cobain)

Love guitar, love Nirvana. Created everything except the image of Cobain, though I did edit it, and threw in some of my favorite songs to play by them.

Leap Of Faith

Agile little guys. I wonder how often they fail... I took a drawing I did and added some colors.


Aviators kick ass. Nuff said.

When Music Kills (Book Cover)

Had to make a book cover with a brass object... Did this for a freind that plays the trumpet and loves guns.

The Tendency (Is 2 Push It As Far As U Can)

Took a quote from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and drew them out to form them into a block. The woodstock backgroud seemed to fit in quit well with the colors and theme.

Snowboard... FOR LIFE!

One of my first edited images. Used a soviet style layout (Mainly meaning using strong angles)

Snake In Space

Took a drawing I did of a snake wrapped around a sphere and gave the snake scales. I then threw in some more circles and edited pictures of planets into them and added a star lit background.

Sheet Music

Really just messing around with the guitar shape. Nothing special.

Rome SDS-Hide Your Children

A DVD cover for Rome Snowboarding. One of the first images I made using overlapping images.

Reject False Icons (Gorillaz Reproduction)

Recreation of the Gorillaz D-Sides cover plus the title of one of there viral marketing projects. I used a drawing I did of the demon head and edited in the background colors as accurately as I could.

Musical Landscape

Used pictures i took of my guitar, amp, and picks to create the entire landscape plus clouds i used in "Float On." Then i added the main character from Fooly Cooly.  

Float On

Even if things end up a bit to heavy... (Thank You Modest Mouse). Used drawings i did of clouds and replaced a chillaxing stick figure with myself and added some depth with shading.

We All Have Our Battles

Second image after "Snowboard... FOR LIFE" using a soviet style layout. Pretty BA if you ask me...

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Got the idea from a T-shirt I have. After I made the image I found that many of the bird images I used were also used on the shirt... weird.

Life's A Beach

Nothing better than a day at the beach. Got the Idea for it from one of the backdrops on The Price Is Right.